Dress For Success

No matter where you work, dress like you’re serious about it. Follow your agency’s requirements on dress code. Avoid logos or controversial printed slogans.

Early Is On Time

Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early as your planned ‘on time’ arrival to help plan against delays. This will also show the employer you’re eager to get to work and are reliable.

Be Polite

Your mother always told you to be polite.  And she was right.  Simply smiling and being polite during an interview can you land that job!

Do Your Homework

Knowing about your position can help you during the interview.  Ask your staffing agency for information and read about the company online in advance. Showing that you know about the position and company tells the employer that you are eager to work and committed to the organization.

Have Questions

Have a few questions ready for the interviewer.  This shows that you’re interested in the job and the company and are thinking ahead of the game!

Show Interest

Showing that you’re excited and interested in the job and the company goes a long way.  Hey, we know it’s work, but showing some enthusiasm allows you to stand out against other candidates.

Ask About Growth

Asking about growth opportunities and future potential is a great way to stay engaged in a position and will put the interviewer in the mindset that you are eager to grow with the company.

First Day Is A Priority

The first day of work is essential to your success.  Not showing up on the first day, no matter the excuse, can seriously effect your long term potential.  Show up!

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