Should You Include Temp Workers in Team Building?OS989CI8D6

Savvy human resources professionals know that great organizations are team-based. And a team work best when there’s good morale, communication and trust among its members. That’s why companies invest time and money in team-building activities. They’re a proven way to recharge workers’ batteries, inject cheer in the workplace and encourage everyone to work harder and better together.

But, too often, temp workers are left out of these activities. And that’s a lost opportunity for a company’s bottom line. Here are some reasons it makes sense to include your company’s temporary workers in team-building activities.

Morale and Performance

Getting everyone together for a shared activity like a paintball session, off-site retreat or happy hour can improve team spirit and create a more cohesive unit. After time spent bonding outside of the office, people are going to get along better and communicate more effectively in the workplace. But if you leave your temporary employees out of these activities, you’re missing the opportunity to create real improvements in morale and performance — across your entire team.

Employee Retention

Companies incur real costs when training their employees. That’s why temps who do well on the job often receive permanent employment. There’s far less risk of hiring someone who has already been temping. They’ve proved they can do the job, work hard and be reliable. And they are already trained, which makes them an easy hire.

If you include your temp workers in activities that bolster teamwork and morale, you’ll help them understand and appreciate the team they work with. They are less likely to leave your company for greener pastures, which saves you time and money in recruiting and training. Another bonus is that if a permanent position opens on their team, they are more likely to take that job and become an effective — and permanent— part of the team.

The smartest companies understand that employee engagement is essential to productivity. It’s crucial to keep employees happy as well as hardworking. By including all members of a team, including temps, in team-building activities, companies can reap the most benefit.

For more tips about staffing and recruiting solutions for your business, visit the Nesco Resource website.