There are many pros and cons of having an infographic resume. They are an unusual format, though, so it is a good idea to have an idea of when to use them — and when to stick to the tried and true.

Pros of an Infographic Resume

    1. Stand out from other candidates

The fact is, companies get tons of resumes for many jobs. Standard resumes in a traditional format tend to all look alike. An infographic resume immediately gets you noticed — more than competitors’ resumes.

    2. Visual pizazz

Job candidates are often told to make their resumes visually appealing, with short sentences, bullets, and other easy-to-read formatting. Infographics cut to the chase, presenting short graphic points with visual appeal.

As a result, they can be especially helpful if the job you are looking for includes developing graphic campaigns. Web designers and social media experts, for instance, can benefit from showing off their visual abilities.

Cons of an Infographic Resume

    1. Not every job is suitable for an infographic resume

As cool as infographic resumes are, they are not for every job. The fact is, most companies expect to see a traditional resume showing each job, the years you held them, and what you did there. If you don’t have one, employers may feel they don’t really have a resume.

Not only that, most businesses use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to screen resumes. These will kick resumes out for the slightest deviation from standard format — even an unusual font will do it. An infographic has almost no chance of making it through. If a resume doesn’t make it through the ATS, the candidate has no chance of being called for an interview.

    2. Not all employers will be impressed

The other con is the effect of infographic resumes on the employers themselves — the people who will interview and maybe hire you. They, too, may expect to see a traditional resume.

If they see something that isn’t, they may find it amusing (not in a good way) or a sign that you do not know what is expected in business.

How to Cross the Pro-Con Divide

Because you cannot tell how an infographic resume will be viewed, it is a good idea to lead with a standard resume.

If you work in a field where you think an infographic resume would be relevant to the job, create one for your blog or website. Post it to visual social media, like Instagram, or place it on LinkedIn.

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