For many engineering and IT positions, all candidates are very qualified in their technical capabilities. But soft skills can differentiate you from other candidates. Soft skills are qualities or characteristics that cannot be taught in courses and are not quantifiable, but they are highly important.

Here are five of the most important soft skills that can make you stand out from the competition.

        1. Leadership

Employers want leadership skills because people with them can help lead teams and, ultimately, departments and companies. Leaders collaborate well. Even more, they naturally take roles in organizing a team. Other people look up to them. They take responsibility.

In an interview, come prepared to discuss a time when you showed leadership and what the results were.

        2. Respect

People with the soft skill of respect show courtesy and professionalism to all levels of a company – not only their supervisors, but their colleagues and people in every role in the organization.

To demonstrate it in an interview, show respect for the interviewers and everyone you meet in an interview. Companies assume that the behavior they see in an interview will be the behavior they see on the job.

        3. Enthusiasm

Employees who are enthusiastic demonstrate a quality that human resources professionals call engagement. They are happy and excited to be working at the company, and in the department in which they are placed. It is a fact that enthusiastic employees do better on the job and stay longer than people who aren’t excited by their work.

To demonstrate enthusiasm, research the company before the interview. Ask questions about its plans for the future. Tell them how interesting you would find the work. Be enthusiastic, and it will come across.

        4. Confidence

People who are confident are easier to manage. Employees who lack confidence may require more shoring up from their managers, which can impede their productivity.

Show confidence by talking about your achievements. Plan which ones you will discuss in the interview. Practice interviewing with friends and family you can answer all interview questions.

        5. Work Ethic

People with a strong work ethic do whatever it takes to complete their tasks. They show up and do not have to be prodded by team members or managers. They are self-motivated.

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Demonstrating skills that differentiate you from the competition is key to a successful interview. For more tips on answering interview questions and developing a resume that highlights soft skills, contact Nesco Resource today.