Why should you work with a recruiter? Because recruiters can give advice and guidance to help you with all aspects of the job search process. Everyone needs feedback, and job search applicants are no exception. The more feedback you receive, the better you can do.

A recruiter will help you prepare for an interview using the following steps

1. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses 

Many interview questions hinge on strengths and weaknesses. Being asked “what is your greatest weakness,” for example, is a common interview question. (Hint: you turn it around to a strength, such as “I give 100 percent to every task, and sometimes need to be told when an aspect needs lesser priority.”) So, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses.

A recruiter will have you jot down strengths and weaknesses, choose the top two or three from each category, and prepare to talk about them in an interview.

2. Prepare a Write-Up of Your Two Most Significant Accomplishments

Interview questions like “tell me about yourself” or “what are you most proud of” can be springboards to the heart of every interview – talking about your qualifications and experience. You need to think through and prepare how you will talk about your most significant accomplishments.

Interviewers are impressed with being able to contribute toward the bottom line or the ability to save money. If you have accomplishments that have done either, be sure to highlight them, with the approximate amount or percentage as part of it.

One method of structuring a response is known as SAFW. In SAFW, S = make an opening Statement; A = Amplify that statement; F = Provide a Few examples; W = Wrap it up. You would state you are an IT professional in software design, give your background, provide examples of your greatest achievements, and wrap it up.

3. Make Sure You Know the Right Questions to Ask

There is usually time during an interview when the interviewer asks if you have any questions. It is always a good idea to ask questions about the company’s plans and products.

Other questions also indicate your interest in the job and can help seal the deal. One is “What does a person in the position need to do to be considered successful?” Another is “What’s the biggest problem that needs to be dealt with in the position right away?”

Contact Us for Recruiting Advice

Here at Nesco Resource, we will work with you to obtain the skilled professional position you desire. To work with a recruiter, contact our company today.