If you only rely on candidates who are actively looking for a new job during the exact period in which you have an opening, you could be significantly limiting the size and quality of your candidate pool. Targeting passive job seekers, or prospective candidates who are not currently taking steps to switch jobs but may be nonetheless interested in the right opportunity, may be the way to land the best performers for your available jobs. This, however, requires more upfront effort that many hiring managers simply do not have time to handle on their own. A solution is to utilize a staffing firm – learn more about how a staffing agency can help you find passive job seekers.

  • They Have Established Networks

Staffing agencies generally maintain ongoing relationships with job seekers because they often fill temporary assignments and work with top candidates repeatedly or keep the contact information for previous workers who were excellent performers. Since staffing agencies already have established networks of contacts, they can get started quickly mining them and reaching out to the passive candidates who they think could be an ideal fit for your needs. 

  • They Can Devote the Time for Outreach

Targeting passive candidates is time-consuming as it requires significant research to find leads, followed by likely having to make multiple attempts at making contact. Compared to the standard process for active job seekers of posting an opening and waiting for them to come to you, it may not be compatible with your current workload to look for passive candidates yourself. Staffing agencies can devote the time for outreach since they have a narrower focus on recruitment, compared to your other work-related priorities that can’t simply be put on hold.

  • They Can Effectively Sell the Position

When you are dealing with active job seekers, they are obviously already at least somewhat interested in your available position and will be trying to best market themselves to you as the ideal candidate. The dynamic changes when it comes to interacting with passive candidates – you are now the one who has to sell them on the position and get them to consider the idea of potentially leaving their current job (in which they may be perfectly content) when the thought of job searching may not have even been on their radar. By having a staffing agency find passive candidates for you, they can utilize their expertise in knowing what candidates are looking for in an employer and be able to more effectively pique their interest and give your organization a chance.

Attract top talent to join your team by turning to Nesco Resource. We are among the leading staffing and employment agencies in the nation, and strive to understand your unique needs and match you with the candidates who are the best fit. Contact us today to learn more.