While it is often obvious when certain candidates are not going to be the right fit for a position, other times seemingly ideal candidates end up not working out after being hired. It can be confusing and frustrating when a candidate does not seem to have any red flags, however, there may be more subtle signs that they are not as great as they seem. Learn more about the warning signs of a candidate who appears perfect, but may actually not be.
They Do Not Give Credit to Others
While candidates certainly need to sell themselves, they should also balance that with humility. Be on the lookout for responses that discuss the candidate’s work with others regarding their accomplishments. If they do not seem to share any credit or even mention colleagues or their manager, that could be a warning sign that they may not be as great as they seem. Candidates who do not give credit to others when it is due may be insecure or arrogant, and have difficulty working with others – or even worse, be the type to undermine their coworkers or other unethical actions.
They Do Not Share Areas that Need Improvement
While most candidates probably do not particularly enjoy talking about their weaknesses, they should be self-aware enough to realize they have areas they need to work on. Usually, with some prompting, you can get them to let down their guard and give you an honest answer. A subtle sign that a candidate is not as perfect as they would have you believe is if they do not share any areas that need improvement. Whether they truly believe they have no weaknesses or they refuse to admit them, this could mean they may have difficulties accepting constructive criticism if hired.
They Do Not Discuss the Organization
The main goal of candidates who are interviewing to work with you should be to demonstrate why they would be an asset to your organization. If a talented, qualified candidate seems mainly focused on themselves (such as how much they would enjoy the job or what perks they would get) and does not discuss your organization specifically, be cautious. They may be egotistical and worried about themselves, rather than being a team player and providing value.
Find top candidates for your available positions by working with Nesco Resource. We are among the leading employment agencies in the nation and can assist you in attracting candidates with the right skills and traits for positions in industrial and manufacturing, administrative, and more. Contact us today to learn more about the employment services Nesco Resource can provide.